Knowledge Graph
Knowledge Graph
A knowledge graph is a structured representation of facts, consisting of entities, relationships, and semantic descriptions.
- Property graphs or attributed graphs are widely used, in which nodes and relations have properties or attributes.
- Knowledge can be expressed in a factual triple in the form of (head, relation, tail) or (subject, predicate, object)under the resource description framework (RDF), for example,(Albert Einstein, WinnerOf, Nobel Prize).
- It can also be represented as a directed graph with nodes as entities and edges as relations.
Overview: History, Notation, Definitions, and Categorization
brief history
definition & notations
we define a knowledge graph as $\mathcal{G}={\mathcal{E}, \mathcal{R}, \mathcal{F}}$, where $\mathcal{E}, \mathcal{R}$ and $\mathcal{F}$ are sets of entities, relations and facts, respectively. A fact is denoted as a triple $(h, r, t) \in \mathcal{F}$.
Categorization of Research on Knowledge Graph
1 knowledge representation learning (KRL)
Knowledge Representation Learning (KRL)
Knowledge Representation Learning is a critical research issue of knowledge graph which paves the way for many knowledge acquisition tasks and downstream applications.
We categorize KRL into four aspects: representation space, scoring function, encoding models and auxiliary information, providing a clear workflow for developing a KRL model. Specific ingredients include:
1) representation space: in which the relations and entities are represented;
Representation space includes point-wise space, manifold, complex vector space, Gaussian distribution, and discrete space.
2) scoring function: for measuring the plausibility真实性 of factual triples;
Scoring metrics are generally divided into distance-based and similarity matching based scoring functions.
3) encoding models: for representing and learning relational interactions;
Current research focuses on encoding models, including linear/bilinear models, factorization, and neural networks.
4) auxiliary informatio:n to be incorporated into the embedding methods.
Auxiliary information considers textual, visual, and type information.
2 knowledge acquisition
Knowledge Acquisition tasks are divided into three categories:
- KGC: knowledge graph completion
expanding exisiting knowledge graphs.
- embedding-based ranking
- relation path reasoning
- rule-based reasoning
- meta relational learning
- relation extraction
discover new knowledge (relations) from the text.
- Relation extraction models utilize attention mechanism, graph convolutional networks (GCNs), adversarial training, reinforcement learning, deep residual learning, and transfer learning.
- entity discovery.
discover new knowledge (entities) from the text.
- recognition, disambiguation, typing, and alignment.
3 temporal knowledge graphs
Temporal Knowledge Graphs incorporate temporal information for representation learning. This survey categorizes four research fields, including temporal embedding, entity dynamics, temporal relational dependency, and temporal logical reasoning.
4 knowledge-aware applications
Knowledge-aware Applications include natural language understanding (NLU), question answering, recommendation systems, and miscellaneous real-world tasks, which inject knowledge to improve representation learning.